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The Alfsen House Book Shop 34 |
154 Main Street North
Adam and Andrew Alfsen run the book shop in a former Butcher Shop. The Butcher Shop was an important part of the Town, because there was no refrigeration until the ice box became popular. There for meat was usually purchased the day it was to be consumed. If you go into the Book Shop, look up at the area around the current cash register. There is still the frame on the ceiling where the cold box was to keep the meat cold. You can still see the small door that was used to load the ice into it on the outside of the building on the north side. John Alfsen, father to Adam and Andrew, was a world famous artist and some of his works are hung in the book store. A quote from Brussels paper reviews paintings in a show by A. Y. Jackson and Emily Carr, and concludes with,” The greatest Canadian painter is perhaps John Alfsen. His somber and sometimes astonishingly fresh palitte recalls, as it were, both Rembrandt and Renoir.”
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